Photo Spot: Marstal, Aeroe, Denmark

Nikon D610 + 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 48mm, ISO 100, 1/1250, f/4

Photo Spot Summary

Category: Architecture
Country: Denmark
City: Marstal
GPS Latitude: 10.522976
GPS Longitude: 54.844061
Directions: Just walk south from the City of Marstal on the island Aeroe to get to these beautiful beach houses.

Photo Spot Details

Almost 100 years old, these bathhouses are passed on from generation to generation. The specific bathhouse depicted above is probably the most photographed house on the island of Aeroe and is just one of 19 houses on the shore. There are strict rules to adhere by when renovating these houses leaving them intact on the outer side for tourist to gaze upon.

  • Aeroe is part of the South Funen archipelago.
  • The island is 30 km long and 8 km wide.
  • Roughly 6.700 people live on Aeroe.
  • The island’s motto: “Everything is water next to Aeroe”.
  • The bathhouses have always been a tourist attraction.
    • There is a total of 19 bathhouses at Eriks Hale at Marstal
    • There is a total of 45 bathhouses on Vesterstrand near Aeroskoebing.

Photo Tips

  1. Come at least 30 minutes before sunset
  2. Scout the day before for where the sun sets/rises
  3. If you want a smooth sky/water use an ND filter
  4. If using long exposure, remember to bring your tripod


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